Partnering with MPCO as your contract manufacturer, we can machine and assemble components for delivery to your specific schedule. We handle your inventory levels, overhead and production management and can work under different types of schedules, such as Kanban and JIT (just-in-time). Cost controls become our responsibility and allow you to focus on your core competencies while we focus on ours. Benefits can be seen in a reduction of turnaround, physical space needs, skilled employees and equipment, as well as costs in production, assembly and delivery. With Machined Products as your contract manufacturer, we can provide quality products and value-added services that save on time, labor and overall costs.
For example, we have a customer who received a government vehicle refurbishing contract. The vehicles had a broken housing in the shifting mechanism which needed replacement. Machined Products was able to create a forged vs. cast housing made up of four different components, assembled and welded together. To make this production a reality, we first needed to design and build a machine to do the welding.
By partnering with us, we took care of all the headaches and design issues and produced the finished piece for them. This example of value engineering included both of us to identify a budget and produce a JIT (just in time) product over a 2-year period of time. Tooling cost savings alone exceed well over $150,000.